
[06 Apr 09] Thanks to all attendees for contributing to a great EuroSys 2009 conference. It was a pleasure having you all in Nuremberg!
Travel Grants for EuroSys 2009
There are currently three types of grants offered to attend EuroSys 2009:
2009 Google EuroSys Conference Grant
EuroSys Travel Grant for Eastern Europe
EuroSys Student Travel Grants
Google EuroSys Conference Grant
As part of Google's ongoing commitment to encouraging women to excel in computing and technology, we are pleased to announce the 2009 Google Eurosys Conference Grant to encourage more female computer scientists to attend and participate in the Eurosys 2009 Conference, 30 March to 3 April, Nuremburg, Germany. We encourage all female computer scientists interested in systems software research and development to apply. Two people will be chosen from the applicant pool to receive:
- Free registration for the conference (including the workshops on 31 March). Accommodation not included.
- 300 euros for travel costs (given to the recipients at the event)
- Be working or a student in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or technical field related to systems software research and development
- Maintaining a strong academic background with demonstrated leadership ability
- Attend at least 2 full days of EuroSys

How to apply
To apply send, no later than Thursday 5th February, an e-mail to europe-events (at) with the subject heading '2009 Google Eurosys Conference grant' containing:
- Your full name and email address
- Whether you are an ACM member or not
- Current address, contact phone number and copy of photo ID
- Your CV
- 1-page statement (no more than 600 words) about why you wish to attend EuroSys '09 and why attending EuroSys 2009 is important to your research and/or future career
Winners and claim process
The winners will be notified by e-mail by Friday 13th February 09 and their names published on the conference webpage.
No pre-payment of the 300 Euro travel grant is provided. If you are a successful applicant, you will receive payment in person at EuroSys 2009 by presenting the letter from Google announcing your award to the travel award program coordinator.
EuroSys Travel Grant for Eastern Europe
Eurosys, with support from ACM SIGOPS, offers several grants to enable students, post-docs, and faculty from Eastern Europe to attend the EuroSys 2009 conference in Nürnberg. Travel grants cover the Eurosys conference registration, including meals and proceedings, and offer funding for travel expenses.
Grants will be awarded by the scholarship committee based on a combination of need and merit. Students receiving Grants need to agree to serve as a session scribe (if required) during the conference. Applicants are encouraged to participate in the poster session and in the workshops.
Who can apply?
Funding is available to all students, post-docs, and faculty at educational institutions from these countries.
How to apply
To apply you should submit the following:
- A fully filled-out Eurosys Travel Grant Application. The application form appears below.
- Students:
- A letter of recommendation from your advisor, supporting the application, which must cover the technical merit of your participation.
- A short statement (up to one page) describing any research you have been doing and list any papers you have published.
- Post-docs and faculty:
- A short summary (up to one page) of research activities.
- A list of publications.
Applications have to be in plain text (no attachments, simple ASCII text in the body of your message), in English, and submitted by email to The advisor's statement should be sent separately from the student's application, and should indicate the student's name in the “Subject” line.
The deadline for receipt of applications for student scholarships is 14th February 2009.
Notifications will be sent out via e-mail by 28th February 2009.
For more information, contact Dejan Kostic (
EuroSys Application Form
Anticipated travel expenses (in Euros):
-- for students --
Degree pursued:
When you expect to finish:
Faculty advisor
EuroSys Student Travel Grants
EuroSys, with generous donations from sponsors, offers several grants to enable students to attend the conference. The grants cover the EuroSys conference registration, including meals and proceedings, and possibly hotel room during the conference and funding for travel expenses.
Grants will be awarded by the grant committee based on a combination of need and merit. Students receiving a travel grant need to agree to serve as a session scribe (if required) during the conference. Applicants are encouraged to participate in the poster session and in the workshops.
Who can apply?
Funding is available to all students at educational institutions, world-wide.
How to apply
To apply you should submit the following:
- A fully filled-out EuroSys Student Travel Grant Application. The application form appears below.
- A letter of recommendation from your advisor, supporting the application, which must cover the technical merit of your participation.
- A short position paper written by you explaining what benefit is expected from attending the conference and why the scholarship should be granted. The statement should describe any research you have been doing and list any papers you have published. It should be no longer than one page.
Applications have to be in plain text (no attachments, simple ASCII text in the body of your message), in English, and submitted by e-mail to scholarships (at) The advisor's statement should be sent separately from the student's application, and should indicate the student's name in the “Subject” line.
The deadline for receipt of applications for student scholarships is 14th February 2009.
Notifications will be sent out via e-mail by 28th February 2009.
For more information contact Fernando Pedone ( or Yolande Berbers (
EuroSys Student Scholarship Application Form
Degree pursued:
When you expect to finish:
Faculty advisor
EuroSys program participation
[ ] I have submitted a paper to EuroSys 2009
[ ] I am the author of an accepted paper at EuroSys 2009
[ ] I have attended EuroSys 2008
[ ] I have attended EuroSys 2007
Participation at other EuroSys 2009 events:
I have submitted or intend to submit...
[ ] ... a paper to the doctoral symposium
[ ] ... a paper to a workshop affiliated with EuroSys
[ ] ... a poster
[ ] ... other: __________
Anticipated travel expenses (in Euros):